Build a Bear Workshop

Green hope workshop on peace and sustainability

Ten students from Grade 7 attended the Green Hope Workshop on Peace and Sustainability at Apple International School on the 3rd Sept. Two students participated in the Art competition held there and were awarded medals for their brilliant creation

Fun With Finance

This was an activity based program for Grades 4-8 to make students financially literate. Students understood the need and purpose of money, about saving, entrepreneurship, giving back to society and financial planning.

National Children Science Congress

4 students from Primus Private School participated in the competition in the junior level.Their research project was selected for the final of the UAE level.


Health is Wellness

“The first wealth is health”

 “Health is wellness” a programme to create awareness about healthy living habits in children was held in Primus Private School on 28th September .As good nutrition is essential to student health, children were made aware the importance of replacing junk food with more fruits, vegetables and meals prepared with nutritious ingredients. Children were involved in planning and preparing their own lunch boxes giving them the opportunity to learn about healthy eating. The programme concluded with a Zumba dance which helped the children to strengthen their body and reinvigorate their mind.


Climate change workshop – conducted by Green hope on 14th November

Some students of grade 8 attended the workshop and clean up drive. They represented two countries, Fiji and Sweden and spoke about their environmental policies, carbon emission and the impact on the inhabitants.


Leadership Programme

A true leader never stops being a student, always learning and improving. A personality development programme for our newly elected leaders was conducted on the 3rd of June. The programme focused on various aspects like what is leadership, successful leadership for personal development  ,  non verbal communication ,working as a team and cooperation.

Special guest : MR.JOHN BARCLAY from The Change Associates


Multi Disciplinary Learning

Primus Private School  introduced Multi Disciplinary Learning for Grade 5 to 8 students which is a new way of exploring students’ ideas in an inspiring educational environment. For each grade a specific topic was focused on  and lessons were developed based on that topic. For pupils with complex needs, this approach is at the heart of their education.


Eco Summit

10 students from Grades 7 and 8 attended the World Environment Day seminar conducted by DEWA. The DEWA workshop on environment included a quiz and students were awarded prizes.  Green Hope UAE Workshop conducted by Kehkashan Basu was motivating and enlightening.

It had an environment quiz and Group presentation on a Topic. The event concluded with a building tour and tree planting.


 Student Enrichment Program

Students from Grade 8A and 8B attended a seminar at Zayed University on the 28th of April, 2014 wherein Nic Marks , an inspirational speaker spoke about happiness, passion and well being. They learnt that happiness and contentment come from connecting with others, keeping teachers happy and building a positive and effective learning environment at school based on mutual respect.It was an enlightening session for them.


Leadership and Skills Workshop


The Students of Grade 7 got the opportunity to attend a leadership session conducted by the employees of MAJID AL FUTTAIM at HULT University, Internet City.  The children were very excited to have an interactive and informative session on leadership. They started the workshop with principles of Thumbprint leadership, followed by mind mapping where the children realized how their strength, their passion can help in deciding their future. They also had a group activity on Brain Storming which focused on creative and innovative thinking. This session helped the students to share ideas, understand their strength and weakness and gave a platform to project their leadership skills.












The Students of Grade 5 got the opportunity to attend a leadership session at HULT University, Internet City.