- It is the philosophy of the School to provide a safe, courteous, consistent, and efficient transportation service over routes authorized by the principal to the eligible pupils.
- In organizing the operation of the transportation system, all applicable statutes, rules, and regulations of the Road and the Transport Authority, Dubai shall be strictly adhered to and all parents concern would be addressed time to time.
- The primary purpose of the school transportation system is to provide transportation for those eligible pupils from the vicinity of their homes to the school they attend. Careful consideration shall also be given to efficiency and economy of the operation. Use of transportation equipment for field trips, co-curricular activities, and other authorized educational, cultural, and recreational activities is permitted when it does not conflict with the primary purpose for transportation.
- School bus transportation shall be considered a privilege to be used by a student only as long as the student accepts the responsibility for his/her own conduct, carefully following all established rules and regulations, and complies with the directions of the driver and the school bus conductor. The general supervision of the school transport system shall be the responsibility of the School Transport supervisor, and may be delegated to appropriate administrative and supervisory personnel of the school.
- The school will only use the RTA authorized buses and drivers on approved routes for school transportation.
- To avoid penalizing other students who are on time, the bus driver will not wait for any child/nor the bus conductor would give an alert/missed call to who is late beyond the designated pick up time.
- The school will not be responsible for the loss of any items left behind on a bus seat.
- Parents are requested to bring the students to the pick- up point 5minutes before the designated pick-up time of the bus, and also to be at the drop point at least 5 minutes before the designated drop-off time in order to avoid delay for the remainder of the students on the bus. Please note that the bus driver will not wait beyond the designated time. If there is no one at the drop-off point with whom to leave the child then the child will stay on the bus as it continues its journey and the bus monitor will seek to contact the parents to arrange an alternative drop off point. Failing this the child will be brought back to school and it will be the responsibility of the parent to pick-up the child from the school (Exceptional cases in delay in bus arrival due to unexpected reasons like break-down, climate conditions will take into account, shall be communicated from school to the parents respectively).
- Time specification: Distance from pick up / drop off point to school and approximate travelling time for a child would be 1 to 1 ½ hours depending on distance of the designated areas.
- If a student is found to have caused damage to the bus or the property or belongings of a fellow student in the bus; then, the parents will be required to compensate adequately for the repair or replacement of the damaged item.
- The students must refrain from eating and drinking in the bus, except for water.
- The school transportation policy outlines the behavior in the bus that is expected of students. The consequence of violating this rule may result in a loss of ridership privileges.
- In accordance with the RTA guidelines, the school principal may exclude any student from the school transport service in any of the following cases:
- If a student violates any safety rule and endangers the lives of others during the trip.
- If a student refuses to ride a bus from a pickup point approved by the school.
- If a student leaves the bus before reaching his/her designated destination without prior permission.
- If a student continues causing disturbance and more than three written complaints are filed against him/her during one school year.
- A general lack of respect for the co-passengers.
1.1 Who are the Eligible Riders – To and From a Student’s Home School?
- All students from Kindergarten to Grade 10 who opt for the school transport during the time of admission by paying the required amount as decided by the school on a particular bus route. [For Bus Fee please refer our school website].
- In the event of a change of residence and the subsequent change of pickup/drop off points for a child, new pick up point shall be entertained only if the facility is available on the route- subject to availability of seats on the new route and at appropriate cost, however the school does not guarantee providing transport facility if it is a new route.
- The school reserves the right to determine the bus stop selection and the bus time for the students. Parent’s intervention on this matter will not be entertained.
- The school employees in the line of duty – is not limited to drivers, bus conductors , mechanics, the Transportation Supervisor, Transportation Manager, other administrators and teachers – are eligible riders.
- Students who wish to ride a different bus for a specific purpose on a particular day may do so provided they present on the school diary / a written permission from their parents/guardians to the Transport Manager and receive approval well in advance. Students shall not be transported to different stops for birthday parties, social events or any program not sponsored by the School. The same policy shall apply to a non-bus student who wishes to ride a school bus to a specific destination.
- If the fees are not paid in advance at the start of the payment period, the child will not be permitted to use the service until they have been paid in full.
- There will be no extra charges for transportation for school sponsored extra-curricular activities. In case where the number of students is less than 5, the routes will be combined to accommodate everybody. The duration of the activity will be determined by the school.
- There will be no discount if any student opts to use the service only one-way.
- The approved transport fees are as under for the academic year 2016-2017
1.2 Heads of the School
• The Principal and the Vice Principal are the overall in- charge.
1.2.1 Head of Transportation
• The Transportation Supervisor
• He oversees the entire transportation department: works with the school administration and acts as the first contact for parents on matters concerning the school transportation in Primus Private School, Dubai.
• He reports to the School Principal/Heads of the school and the Admin. Officer.
• Transportation Administration In-charge
• Sees to the overall Attendance from all the Bus monitors
• Maintains the Logbook report and submitting the report to the principal on daily basis.
• Maintains the Bus timesheet report
• Reports to the Transportation Supervisor for all the day to day transport affairs
1.2.2 Transport Company Representatives
- Maintains over all School Bus Maintenance report
- Maintains the bus service records, fuel records and the attendance of the drivers