The school strives to build a positive, ambitious character in a student and to plant good values and habits to groom children as good citizens, confident of themselves.
"Our aim is to develop to the full the potential of all pupils within a positive and caring atmosphere”. We wish to develop self-discipline within a caring environment. Children are encouraged to take care of the school environment and to keep all areas neat and tidy. Whilst responding positively to success and effort in offering praise, we also feel it necessary to check and deal appropriately with poor behaviour.
All members of the school community feel safe and valued; social and academic learning outcomes are maximised for all through quality practices in the areas of curriculum, interpersonal relationships and school organization.
School practices which involve a planned continuum from the positive or preventative actions to the responsive actions for specific individuals and groups; non-violent, non-coercive and non-discriminatory language and practices are defined, modelled and reinforced by all members of the School community; and suspension and exclusion procedures are considered only when all other approaches have been exhausted or rejected.
Behaviour Expectations:
- Students are expected to attend school regularly.
- All students are expected to be in school by 7.50 am.
- Staff on duty in the corridors to maintain discipline and KG children to be guided and escorted to their respective classrooms.
- Students are trained to greet adults as well as each other.
- The morning bell is a signal for all students to go to their respective classrooms, promptly and in silence.
- Record of latecomers to be maintained at the reception.
- Children should be on time for morning assembly. They should stand class wise in a line and maintain silence.
- After the assembly, children should move in a single file towards the respective classes. Class teacher to escort the students to their classrooms.
- Every student is required to wear ID card and carry his school diary to school each day.
- Students are expected to be prepared for and to participate in each class to meet the performance standards, to bring necessary class materials, to complete class work and homework accurately and on time and to prepare for tests and examinations.
- Students are expected to be honest, behave with dignity and treat others with respect and courtesy. Behaviour of the child should not interfere with the right of others.
- Students are guided to be habitually clean, always neatly dressed in their school uniforms and be well groomed. Colouring of hair is not permitted.
- Class teacher and discipline committee to check the child’s uniform. Parents need to be informed by the class teacher if the child is not in proper uniform.
- The students should raise their hands in classrooms to answer a question.
- Students are expected to take turns during any activity done in the class.
- Any disciplinary issues would be self recorded by the students under teacher’s supervision in a behaviour record sheet and is given three chances before any further action taken.
- Students are not allowed to whistle or shout in and out the school areas.
- Students are forbidden from littering.
- Students should respect their own as well as peer belongings.
- Students are expected to treat all the school property with care. Any damage done even by accident is reported to the class teacher, supervisor, Headmistress or Principal. Students are cautioned to report any damage to school property, even if he /she doesn’t know who has done it.
- During breaks, staff on duty positioned in strategic areas to maintain discipline and ensure safety of children.
- Children are advised not to run in the corridors.
- Children are trained to walk on the right side of the corridors and staircases.
- Students are trained to use the toilets neatly and safely as part of personal hygiene. They are also advised to close the taps in the toilets after use.
- Students should refrain themselves from banging the doors.
- Changeovers are done in an orderly and silent manner.
- The students are advised not to bring valuable articles /jewellery to school.
- Lending or borrowing of money, cd’s, electronic gadgets are not permitted.
- Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school.
- Students are expected to comply with the school rules and to obey all laws and to respond in a respectful manner to all adults.
- Parents or guardians are not allowed to visit their teachers in the class room without the prior permission of the Supervisor, Headmistress or Principal.
- Latecomers, Uniform defaulters and children who do not do their homework are noted down and are given a second chance and later issued a warning letter.
- Students are expected to greet and welcome guests who visit our school.
- School disperses after the prayer. They have to line up according to bus numbers and move in a single file to their buses, under the supervision of the staff.
- Classroom should be left neat and clean by the end of the day.
- Students who are picked up by their attendant wait in the waiting room.
- No child is allowed to leave the school premises before the school is over unless permission has been granted by the Supervisor / Headmistress/ Principal and submit the exit slip to the class teacher.
These disciplinary techniques will be reinforced through day to day teaching.
Cyber Safety
Primus Private School endeavors to provide a safe physical and emotional environment. This responsibility is linked to the use of the Internet and Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and a number of related cyber safety issues. Whilst the Internet and ICT equipment bring great benefits to the teaching and learning programme, they can also expose anti-social or inappropriate, material and activities. Primus Private School will develop and maintain rigorous and effective Cyber Safety Practices which aim to maximize the benefits of the Internet and ICT devices/equipment to student learning, while minimizing and managing any risks. These Cyber Safety Practices will aim to not only maintain a cyber-safe school environment, but also to address the needs of students and other members of the school community to receive education about the safe and responsible use of present and developing information and communication technologies.
Positive Behaviour Management
All classroom teachers use a range of rewards to positively reinforce children’s behaviour and achievements.
These include:
– verbal praise
– showing work
– work taken to another member of staff
– stars/stickers
– privilege time/choice
– incentives
– reward pupils by being star status in classrooms.
If a child behaves in an unacceptable way then the following sanctions are imposed:
– voice disapproval
– talking to, reasoning
– time out from the situation or activity within the classroom
– supervised separation from peer group
– missing part of break/lunchtime play
Everyone associated with the school should be involved in promoting high standards of behaviour. By working together we will ensure that our aims are met.