PRIMUS Distance Learning Safeguarding Policy




The aim of this manual is to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the provision of a safe and healthy environment for all our students and employees, during these unprecedented times. Arrangements have to be planned, prioritized and implemented through the policy manual and associated guidance as required. The progress achieved with this document and the effectiveness of controls will be monitored through measurement of performance and regular reviews.

This manual contains the health and the safety policy and the supporting arrangements for Primus Private School, Dubai, U.A.E. It is a legal requirement that the safety policy is brought to the attention of every employee within the school.

The policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers and all adults who come into contact with children in Distance Learning to make sure and safeguard that which promotes their welfare and wellbeing through virtual learning.


  • To ensure the welfare and safety of students during the distance learning.
  • to support the child’s development in ways that will foster security, confidence and independence through virtual approach.
  • to raise the awareness of both teaching and non-teaching staff of the need to safeguard children and of their responsibilities in identifying and reporting possible cases of abuse at home during distance learning.
  • to ensure that there are clear procedures for reporting Distance Learning Child Protection concerns, which are known to everyone.
  • to provide a systematic means of monitoring children known or thought to be at risk before or during virtual learning

Our Vision: Providing world-class education in a safe and non-threatening environment, by bringing awareness and support during the Pandemic

Our Mission: To empower students with a holistic, rigorous and well-rounded learning for success and health in an ever- changing world


  • Provide up to date guidance
  • Share innovative ways of working
  • Signpost to appropriate support resources
  • Students have an unhindered learning experience
  • To be renowned by the success of our students in achieving their personal goals
  • To make student development and growth the centre of all school decisions
  • To aspire to the highest recognized performance standards
  • To build and celebrate a culture based on global values
  • To enable the staff to become life-long learners through the development of their professional practice 


At Primus we believe that all children have a right to be safe, protected from abuse and able to reach their full potential. The primary concern of all staff must be the interests and safety of children. All staff members have a pastoral duty towards children. Due to our day to day contact with individual children, we are well placed to observe outward signs of abuse, changes in behavior or failure to develop. The needs of children are paramount and underpin all our work. All staff members have a central role in keeping students safe. Staff have a duty in the initial identification of possible abuse and in monitoring the development and progress of children who have been identified as being at risk of significant harm. We view Child Protection as more than simply acting when suspicions arise or information is revealed. We also have a vital role to play in ensuring children are safe at all times and in preparing children to resist abuse and to become responsible, caring and confident adults.


During distance learning, all students including students of determination will be required to shift and create habits of success in their new learning environment. Learning Support Teachers /Counsellors will help communicate clear expectations to the students. Students, in consultation with their parent(s)/guardian(s), and to the greatest extent possible, given their individual circumstances, should:

  • Establish daily routines to effectively engage in the learning experiences.
  • If possible, identify a comfortable, quiet space in their homes where they can work effectively and successfully.
  • Monitor the established lines of communication with their teacher(s), to check assignments, updates, and feedbacks.
  • Check their email, Classdojo, MS Teams (Distance Learning Tools) regularly
  • Do their best work by completing assignments with integrity and academic honesty
  • Do their best to meet timelines, commitments and due dates.
  • Communicate proactively with their Learning Support Teacher(s)/Counsellors if they cannot meet deadlines or require additional support for their tasks

PLEASE NOTE- Students will not make progress if the work is done for them, and whilst we and the parents will support, students are expected to be independent in their work as much as possible.


Children and young people may be worried about the impact of coronavirus, social distancing or self-isolation. Those who already have mental health difficulties such as anxiety might be finding things particularly tough. Talk to them about what’s happening, check how they’re feeling and keep them as well informed as you can.

  • Tell children and young people where they can go if they are worried about anything or need to talk to someone while school is closed.
  • information about CORONAVIRUS
  • CALM ZONE – activities to help let go of stress
  • GAMES TO help take your mind off things
  • INFORMATION AND ADVICE for a range of topics including feelings, relationships, family and schools
  • peer support using MESSAGE BOARDS   


Staff should be concerned if a student:

  • Has any injury which is not typical of the bumps/scrapes normally associated with the child ’s activities Regularly has unexplained injuries
  • Frequently has injuries even when apparently reasonable explanations are given confused or conflicting explanations about how injuries were sustained
  • Exhibits significant changes in behaviour, performance or attitude Indulges in sexual behaviour which is unusually explicit and/or inappropriate to his or her age
  • Discloses an experience in which he or she may have been harmed.

It is vital to highlight at this point that children with special educational needs and disabilities, including communication or behaviour difficulties, have a higher risk of bullying, neglect and abuse than others. Often, they are not identified or looked at as at-risk when it comes to indicators of possible abuse owing to mood, injury or behaviour being attributed to the pre-existing condition rather than signals for safeguarding. Staff specifically involved with children with SEND are to be alert to these factors.


Overall responsibility of the health and safety of all within the school rest with the School Management headed by its Principal. The Principal delegates this responsibility to the individual Operations Manager for the purpose of the day to day running of the school with the direct assistance of individual line administrative officer and supervisors.

The school management will ensure through the designated supervisors that all employees receive adequate awareness with regard to health and safety measures enable them to undertake their work in a safe manner.

The risk assessments along with all other safety documentations are to be reported to the Principal on a regular basis.

Individual member of staff who have any concern regarding their own safety or of their students are responsible for reporting the matter to their supervisor without delay.


  • Ensure that all electrical / electronic equipment you use is in good order. Do not use any electrical / electronic equipment that does not appear to be in good order but report it to your supervisor without delay.

General Safety Requirements for Electrical System DURING DL:-

  • Switch off all electrical equipment after use.
  • Do not over load sockets.
  • Do not allow wires to project in to the walkway where they present a tripping hazard.
  • Only competent persons who have been trained properly should do the repair and maintenance works.
  • Each of us has a part to play in the promotion of safety as well as prevention of accidents and ill health at our school. By valuing our own safety and that of our students and colleagues, we will each be able to participate fully in assisting in our commitment to safe guarding the health, safety and welfare of our students and employees and other service users.


Primus strives to build a positive, ambitious character in a student and to plant good values and habits to groom children as good citizens, confident of themselves.

“Our aim is to develop to the full the potential of all pupils within a positive and caring atmosphere”. We wish to develop self-discipline within a caring environment. Children are encouraged to take care of the online school environment. Whilst responding positively to success and effort in offering praise, we also feel it necessary to check and deal appropriately with poor behavior.


  • All members of the school community feel safe and valued; social and academic learning outcomes are maximised for all through quality practices in the areas of curriculum, interpersonal relationships and school organization.
  • School practices which involve a planned continuum from the positive or preventative actions to the responsive actions for specific individuals and groups


  • Students are expected to attend lessons regularly.
  • All students are expected to be in in time for lessons
  • Students are trained to greet adults as well as each other.
  • Record of attendance and absence is maintained
  • Children should be on time for online morning Assembly.
  • Students are expected to be prepared for and to participate in each class to meet the performance standards, to possess necessary class materials, to complete class work and homework accurately and on time and to prepare for tests and examinations.
  • Students are expected to be honest, behave with dignity and treat others with respect and courtesy. The behaviour of the child should not interfere with the right of others.
  • Students are guided to be habitually clean, always neatly dressed and be well groomed.
  • The students should raise virtual hand on MS teams their hands in classrooms to answer a question.
  • Students are expected to take turns during any activity done in the class.
  • Any disciplinary issues would be self-recorded by the students under teacher’s supervision in a behaviour record sheet and is given three chances before any further action taken.
  • Students are not allowed to whistle or shout or interrupt during lessons
  • They are expected to keep the audio mute unless advised otherwise
  • Students are expected to comply with the school rules and to obey all laws and to respond in a respectful manner to all adults.


All classroom teachers use a range of rewards to positively reinforce children’s behavior and achievements.

These include:

  • verbal praise
  • showing work
  • work taken to another member of staff
  • stars/stickers
  • privilege time/choice
  • incentives
  • reward pupils by being star status in classrooms.
  • certificates

If a child behaves in an unacceptable way then the following sanctions are imposed:

  • voice disapproval
  • talking to, reasoning
  • time out from the situation or activity within the classroom
  • speak to the parent

Everyone associated with the school should be involved in promoting high standards of behavior. By working together we will ensure that our aims are met.


Primus Private School endeavors to provide a safe physical and emotional environment. This responsibility is linked to the use of the Internet and Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and a number of related cyber safety issues.

Whilst the Internet and ICT equipment bring great benefits to the teaching and learning programme, they can also expose anti-social or inappropriate, material and activities.

Primus Private School will develop and maintain rigorous and effective Cyber Safety Practices which aim to maximize the benefits of the Internet and ICT devices/equipment to student learning, while minimizing and managing any risks.

These Cyber Safety Practices will aim to not only maintain a cyber-safe school environment, but also to address the needs of students and other members of the school community to receive education about the safe and responsible use of present and developing information and communication technologies.


  • Online secured working environment
  • A clean background, to avoid distraction.
  • Keep your microphone muted, if you are not speaking.
  • Connect to Encrypted – You’ll be surprised how many times hackers can get into your computer via dodgy Wi-Fi.
  • In order to keep yourself safe, disengage the sharing option on your Wi-Fi settings so that you’re not sharing your files and other personal data with others – this option should only be realistically turned on either if you’re at home or on a trusted network.
  • Refrain From Storing Passwords in Browsers
  • Make Sure Your Home Network Is Secure
  • You can take necessary steps that are simple and safe to make sure no-one else can use your Wi-Fi and to and to boost the safety of your already safe network.
  • Make sure that you change the password of the router admin, as well as the username.
  • Taking a couple of seconds to change these details will increase your Wi-Fi security – just make sure you tell all your housemates about the new changes in case they’re wondering what on earth is going on.
  • Have Smart Passwords
  • Parents can only be communicated by school email or through the Class Representative on WhatsApp.
  • School Leaders random drop-in during the live sessions to ensure quality and safe learning.
  • Review the chats in Ms Classroom for follow-up and for future reference.



What is Cyber bullying?

  • Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets.
  • Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online learning in social media, forums or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content.

Our Concerns

Cyberbullying can harm the online reputations of everyone involved – not just the person being bullied, but those doing the bullying or participating in it. Cyberbullying has concerns, in that it can be:

  • Persistent – Digital devices offer an ability to immediately and continuously communicate 24 hours a day, so it can be difficult for children experiencing cyberbullying to find relief.
  • Permanent – Most information communicated electronically is permanent and public, if not reported and removed. A negative online reputation, including for those who bully, can impact college admissions, employment, and other areas of life. (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, twitter etc.)
  • Hard to Notice – Because teachers and parents may not overhear or see cyberbullying taking place, it is harder to recognize.

What Can you Do about Cyberbullying?

  • Sometimes, people are afraid or not sure if they’re being bullied or not. So they don’t do anything about it. If you’re being bullied, harassed, or teased in a hurtful way — or know someone who is — you don’t have to suffer in silence. In fact, you absolutely should report to the teachers any upsetting texts, messages, posts, team’s chat or emails.
  • Tell someone: The first thing to do is tell an adult you trust. You can also talk to your school counselor or a trusted teacher or a family member.
  • Block the bully: Most devices have settings that let you electronically block the bully or bullies from sending notes. If you don’t know how to do this, ask a friend or adult who does.
  • Be safe online: Password protect your devices and your online sites and change your passwords often. Be sure to share your passwords only with your parent or guardian. It’s also wise to think twice before sharing personal information or photos/videos that you don’t want the world to see. Once you’ve posted a photo or message, it can be difficult or impossible to delete. So remind yourself to be cautious when posting photos or responding to someone’s upsetting message.

What to Do If You’re Bullied

  • In online learning there are some mischiefs like: kicking out your friends from the meeting, muting each other’s mikes, during the class private chatting.
  • If you know of a friend who is acting as a cyberbully, talk to him / her aside about it, without putting your friend down, stand up for your own principles: Let the bully know it’s not OK.
  • Explain to your friend that bullying can have serious consequences: for the bully, for those being bullied, and even for bystanders like you and your friends.
  • If it continues, report to the concerned teacher.


What does Wellbeing mean?

Well-being is another name used to describe how we’re feeling in different aspects of our lives.

Well-being can be used to describe the different parts of you that make up the whole person and contribute to making you happy overall. These may include:

  • Your physical health
  • Your mental health
  • How you feel
  • How you think
  • Relationships


  • Stop Think Go is a problem solving technique.  There are 3 steps.
  1. STOP– here you ask yourself “how am I feeling?” Happy, scared, angry or sad.  How you feel can make a difference to the choice you make?
  2. THINK– here ask yourself “what are my options?” – think about all the different choices you can make; some will have good consequences and some will have less good consequences. (consequence means what may happen – if you stroke a cat the consequence may be it purrs, if you give someone a compliment the consequence may be that they smile)
  • GO– once you’ve thought through the positive and negative consequences of each of your options you can make your choice.


This is when someone your age (a peer) pressurizes you (pushes you) to do something – that you might not feel happy about.

Our friends and the people around us at school influence us – positively and sometimes negatively.

So the question is how to deal with peer pressure and remain cool as a cucumber?


  1. Stop– Ask yourself, how you are feeling? Do you feel uncomfortable or unhappy or scared about what you are being asked to do?
  2. Think– what options do you have in this situation? What might happen depending on the option you choose?
  • Go– make the choice which makes you feel safest, happiest and calmest.

Let’s think of some ways of replying to a peer so that you can say no and still feel comfortable:

Saying No: ” That’s just really not my thing. You can go ahead if you want to but I’m not going to do it.”

Dismissing the question: “No, thanks.  I’m not interested right now.”

Distraction:  “Hey, I almost forgot…did you hear about what happened this weekend?

Make an excuse:

  • Pretend to get a phone call from your parents.
  • “Remember” an important thing that you need to do.
  • “Realize” how late it is and say that you’re super tired from not sleeping well the night before.

Turn it back on them: “If you think it’s such a good idea, why don’t you do it.”


The wellbeing of the students, teachers and parents is at the core of any thriving institution. Primus believes in changing the climate of the classroom, by ensuring the happiness meter of the students is balanced. A team of key members of Primus are committed in raising the Happiness Meter of all stake holders. These team members are- Mrs.Rawat,   Ms. Bishara, Ms. Anupma, Ms. Zaheen, Ms. Sangeetha, Ms. Sweatha and Ms.Salma.

The school formed the WELLBEING team in April 2020, for online monitoring. During these unprecedented times, it seemed ALL were anxious and needed more attention individually than they did on the school campus.

This led to formulating and drafting relevant policies to keep parents and students posted and informed about the new situation. A revised CYBER BULLYING and CYBER SAFETY document was shared with ALL stakeholders.

Several measure are taken to ensure the wellbeing of ALL stakeholders. However, as young adults, the students form the apex of our concerns. Several steps, have been taken to ensure the wellbeing of our students. These are listed below.


  • Several relevant well-being activities are  planned across the phases to cater to the students emotional and mental health
  • Activities like Music, PE, Art, Aerobics, Dance and Yoga are incorporated
  • Moral education curriculum- Grades 1-3 asynchronous lessons, Grade 4-8 – 1 period a week, helps  to address value systems and keeps the students morally grounded . Grades 9-12 integrate Moral education in English Lessons.
  • Story time- in KG help students to learn morals and values in an interesting and innovative way
  • THOTS and Brain Gym activities are sent home to keep families gainfully engaged during weekends.
  • Work Load balance is ensured, through a well-defined HW policy with appropriate tasks and manageable deadlines across the phases. This is made possible done through ongoing teacher collaboration.
  • Weekly Surveys are conducted in-house. These help us to gauge the students’ well-being and to take corrective measure where necessary.
  • Virtual Classroom visits of the Wellbeing team assures the students that a non-judgmental team is available to look after the students’ well-being and concerns if needed and monitors their happiness meter.
  • Students are aware about whom to contact in case of contingency.
  • Webinars for Mental Well-Being and strategies to overcome the present discomfort are organised
  • Opportunities to interact with the peers and teachers during class time through Class Assemblies and Circle Time help students to keep engaged and brings a sense of normalcy.
  • Audit of technology skills and devices was done to ensure there is a stress free learning


  • All school policies related to safety and health are shared with the parents
  • PARENTS ARE INFORMED about whom to contact in case they want to share their ward’s WELLBEING concerns
  • Webinars are planned and parents attend and participate
  • Parents Guidelines shared with parents to are the learning management system
  • Parents concerns are noted and redressed on a week to week basis through Weekly Updates
  • Parents surveys have been analysed and actioned to address parental concerns 
  • The workload management are shared with the parents to manage and support the children


  • The teachers well-being is carefully monitored by heads and all efforts are made to resolve stress triggers
  • Manageable workloads are given keeping present circumstances and home environment in mind
  • Appropriate ongoing training and support is provided
  • Fun activities are posted for teachers to develop a sense of connection and enjoyment
  • Teachers’ weekly survey ascertains the Happiness Meter
  • Sufficient IT support is provided to ensure a stress free professional experience
  • Webinar for wellbeing are organized
  • SCHOOL STAFFING AND TEACHERS WELLBEING – There is an available data base of qualified teachers that may be appointed after a virtual interview, if required.
  • Substitute teachers are also available if required to replace regular teachers during unprecedented emergencies.



Develop the skill of mindfulness amongst the students- During the course of time the following outcome are expected to be achieved-

  • Specific areas of the brain and how these affect our ability to focus, make good choices, recognize when we need to steady ourselves when our body or mind is busy or out of balance.
  • Ways that mindfulness can support them in many day-to-day activities, including concentration and memory, behavioural self- management, and in relationships with family and friends
  • Ways to respond rather than react – and therefore make better choices and take best care of themselves and others.
  • We will teach children about feeling good, being healthy and caring for themselves through our everyday teaching, circle times, PSHE and science lessons and through assemblies.
  • Support parents and individual students, through the wellbeing team, who will in-turn support them, while working together with the school.
  • The wellbeing team is currently surveying the classes to see what else we could do to improve student well-being.
  • Practice Mindfulness to understand and direct attention with greater awareness and skill. This may improve the capacity of children to concentrate and be less distracted, as well as their working memory and ability to plan.


Ø  Mindfulness is often taught in the context of Personal Social Health Emotions.

Ø  It helps to develop a greater awareness of relationships and how to manage them (including difficult ones at home)

Ø  It offers a richer understanding of things like self-esteem and optimism.



Ø  Help them to recognise worry, manage difficulties and cope with exams.

Ø  Developing a more mindful awareness also helps children and young people to appreciate what is going well and to flourish.




Ø  Mindfulness trains us to understand and direct our attention with greater awareness and skill.

Ø  This may improve the capacity of children to concentrate and be less distracted, as well as their working memory and ability to plan

The Wellbeing team is committed and devoted to make a difference in the lives of ALL stakeholders. The team shoulders the responsibility with a single minded determination, marching towards a cause that will benefit ALL. New strategies to bring a calm in the present storm and addressing concerns are the key points for the Wellbeing Team.


The school is committed to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.


To provide an environment in which pupils feel safe, secured, valued and respected and where they feel confident and will approach responsible adults when in difficulty.

Remember the seven R’s which are important :

Receive – listen to what is being said.

Reassure – reassure the child, but only so far as is honest and reliable. Do not make promises.

Respond – respond to the child as far as is necessary for you to establish whether or not you need to refer this matter, but do not interrogate for full details.

Report – Share concerns with the Wellbeing Officer immediately.

Record – If possible make some brief notes at the time (handwritten). Record the date, time, place, person’s present and noticeable nonverbal behaviour.

Remember – support the child: listen, reassure, and be available.

Review –and share with the principal

Child abuse can take a variety of forms, which can become apparent to us in the school situation

Physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children is  said to be increasingly common. If you are concerned that one of your pupils has any signs of abuse it is vital that you report your concerns to the Head Mistress or Principal.

The following definitions of child abuse can act as a reference:


Children, where the nature of a physical injury is not consistent with the account of how it occurred; or where there is definite knowledge, or reasonable suspicion, that a person in  charge or care of the child, inflicted or knowingly did not prevent the injury. This includes children to whom it is suspected that poisonous substances have been administered.

Emotional abuse:

Children, where there is a persistent coldness, hostility or rejection by the parent or caregiver, to such extent that the child’s behavior and development are impaired.

Sexual abuse:

The involvement of dependent, developmentally immature children and young persons in sexual activities that they do not fully comprehend, to which they are unable to give informed consent, and which violate social and family taboos. Sexual abuse may also include exposure of children to sexual stimulation inappropriate to the child’s age and level of development.


Stay calm (Don’t over-react, however shocked you may be)

 Listen, hear and believe (Listen carefully, take it seriously)

Give time for the person to say what they want (Don’t make assumptions and don’t offer alternative explanations, ask questions beginning with Tell me about…Explain…Describe… Avoid ‘who, what, when, where’ questions)

Reassure and explain that they have done the right thing in telling. (Do not promise confidentiality; explain that only those professionals who need to know will be informed)

Record in writing as near verbatim as possible and as soon as possible on a Disclosure Form (Use the child’s own words, make your record as soon as possible after the event, so that you don’t forget anything, and include information about what action was taken afterwards)

 Report to the DCP INVOLVEMENT OF OUTSIDE AGENCIES Dubai Foundation for Women and Children (DFWAC) IF REQUIRED



To assess the psychological, physical and medical impact of abuse on the child and its family, historically, currently and in the future.

To consider the social impact of the disclosure on the child and his/her family. To consider the current and rehabilitation needs of that child.

To understand that it is best to listen to the child and consider the child’s needs prior to taking any precipitate action

To be aware of maladaptive responses and reflect how these behaviour are symptoms of abuse and how the child should be related in an understanding manner.



What is COVID-19? 

COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. ‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’ for virus, and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as ‘2019 novel coronavirus’ or ‘2019-nCoV.’ The COVID-19 virus is a new virus linked to the same family of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and some types of common cold.

How can the spread of COVID-19 be slowed down or prevented?

As with other respiratory infections like the flu or the common cold, public health measures are critical to slow the spread of illnesses. Public health measures are everyday preventive actions that include:

  • staying home when sick;
  • covering mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of used tissue immediately;
  • washing hands often with soap and water; and
  • cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects.

As we learn more about COVID-19 public health officials may recommend additional actions.

Key Messages & Actions Basic principles

Following basic principles can help keep students, teachers, and staff safe at school and help stop the spread of this disease. Recommendations for healthy schools are:

  • Sick students, teachers and other staff should not come to school
  • Schools should enforce regular hand washing with safe water and soap, alcohol rub/hand sanitizer or chlorine solution and, at a minimum, daily disinfection and cleaning of school surfaces
  • Schools should provide water, sanitation and waste management facilities and follow environmental cleaning and decontamination procedures• Schools should promote social distancing (a term applied to certain actions that are taken to slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease, including limiting large groups of people coming together)

Plan for continuity of learning In the case of absenteeism/sick leave or temporary school closures, support continued access to quality education. This can include:

  • Use of online/e-learning strategies
  • Assigning reading and exercises for home study
  • Radio, podcast or television broadcasts of academic content
  • Assigning teachers to conduct remote daily or weekly follow up with students
  • Review/develop accelerated education strategies Implement targeted health education Integrate disease prevention and control in daily activities and lessons.



1. Promote and demonstrate regular hand washing and positive hygiene behaviors and monitor their uptake.

·         Ensure adequate, clean and separate toilets for girls and boys

·         Ensure soap and safe water is available at age-appropriate hand washing stations

·         Encourage frequent and thorough washing (at least 20 seconds)

·         Place hand sanitizers in toilets, classrooms, halls, and near exits where possible

·         Ensure adequate, clean and separate toilets or latrines for girls and boys


2. Clean and disinfect school buildings, classrooms and especially water and sanitation facilities at least once a day, particularly surfaces that are touched by many people (railings, lunch tables, sports equipment, door and window handles, toys, teaching and learning aids etc.)

·         Use sodium hypochlorite at 0.5% (equivalent 5000ppm) for disinfecting surfaces and 70% ethyl alcohol for disinfection of small items, and ensure appropriate equipment for cleaning staff


3. Increase air flow and ventilation where climate allows (open windows, use air conditioning where available, etc.)


4. Post signs encouraging good hand and respiratory hygiene practices


5. Ensure trash is removed daily and disposed of safely

1. Monitor your child’s health and keep them home from school if they are ill


2. Teach and model good hygiene practices for your children

Wash your hands with soap and safe water frequently. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

Always wash hands with soap and water, if hands are visibly dirty

Ensure that safe drinking water is available and toilets are clean and available at home

Ensure waste is safely collected, stored and disposed of

Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow and avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth, nose


3. Encourage your children to ask questions and express their feelings with you and their teachers. Remember that your child may have different reactions to stress; be patient and understanding.


4. Prevent stigma by using facts and reminding students to be considerate of one another


5. Coordinate with the school to receive information and ask how you can support school safety efforts (though parent-teacher committees, etc.)

1. In a situation like this it is normal to feel sad, worried, confused, scared or angry.

Ø  Know that you are not alone and talk to someone you trust, like your parent or teacher so that you can help keep yourself and your school safe and healthy.

Ø  Ask questions, educate yourself and get information from reliable sources


2. Protect yourself and others

Ø  Wash your hands frequently, always with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

Ø  Remember to not touch your face

Ø  Do not share cups, eating utensils, food or drinks with others


3. Be a leader in keeping yourself, your school, family and community healthy.

o Share what you learn about preventing disease with your family and friends, especially with younger children

 o Model good practices such as sneezing or coughing into your elbow and washing your hands, especially for younger family members


4. Don’t stigmatize your peers or tease anyone about being sick; remember that the virus doesn’t follow geographical boundaries, ethnicities, age or ability or gender.


5. Tell your parents, another family member if you feel sick, and ask to stay home.

Records and Monitoring during the Distance Learning

It is crucial to keep accurate online records where there are concerns about the welfare of a child. These records are confidential. All staff are made aware of the need to record and report concerns about a student or students During the Distance Learning. The Designated Distance Child Protection Officer is responsible for such records and at what time they should be released.

PRIMUS Monitoring and Review

This policy is reviewed at the end of each year and is read in conjunction to the school health and safety policy. Policy updated April 2020 Next review March 2021





  Suspicion/Allegation of Abuse

  Disclosure by young person

  Report by another person

  Anonymous communication

  Your observation/s















Report concern to:

School Child Protection Officer

 Do not investigate






Any verbal referral must be followed by a completed form passed to Child Protection Officer







You may be asked to attend the school’s Child Protection Conference








Provide additional information as appropriate










CHILD’S NAME:                                                               CLASS AND SECTION:

DATE OF BIRTH :                                                                                         DATE:


Staff should not make any undertakings to absolute confidentiality

Staff should not investigate a situation ANY CONCERNS REGARDING A STUDENT MUST BE RECORDED AND PASSED ON Staff should not make any undertakings to absolute confidentiality Staff should not investigate a situation

Details of Concern

(Please give full factual details including dates and times)



 Date/Time of Observation:



Date/Time of Observation:




Any inquiries: Explanations given by child/adult:












Section I: Biographical Information

Incident’s Date and Time:                                                                             

Student’s Name:                                                                        


Grade and section:                                                           

Incident’s Location: School       Playground       Other        Specify:_______

Category of incident:

Bullying                                                      Illness              

Use of filthy language                               abuse                     

Social media addiction

Name of Others Involved:                                                                                                        



Section II: Incident’s Description (e.g., what happened and who was involved?) – attach additional sheets as needed:











Section III: Action Taken












Section IV: People who were notified of the incident:

Parent/Guardian:                                              class Teacher:        Phase Supervisor:                                                                                          Well-being team:                           






Did the student acknowledge the report?                      No      Yes      when:                             

Section V: Certification


I certify that the information contained in this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Signature:                                        Date:             


Telephone Number: